Graphene Based Cigarette Filter

PPuF is a plug-on filter developed with a graphene based nanocomposite which filters out tobacco smoke. The filter removes toxins from the smoke by chemical adsorption so, we developed and branded it as an anti-smoking product to be plugged in with cigarettes and cigar. It incorporates nanocomposite filter particles encased in a bio-safe plastic casing.

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As the tech lead of Log 9 Materials, I was responsible for building the overall design and experience around the product as well the development of the nanocomposite. Interestingly, the primary goal of the developement of the nanocomposite was for catalytic converters (developing an efficient alternative for the platinum/paladium based converters in automobiles). But some accidental tests on tobacco smoke gave promising results. Later we customised the composite for tobacco smoke filtration.

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The experience design for PPuF was the real challenge as it is an anti smoking product but it must not hinder the smoking experience. We researched heavily on smoking experience and user tendencies and after various iterations and discussions finally came up with the simple design. PPuF has already being launched in some selected outlets in Delhi-NCR region. Refer for more details

The patent (US Patent No.- US11083216B2) for the product can be found here.

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  • [2019] A graphene based tobacco smoke filter and a method for synthesizing graphene composition
    Akshay Vivek Singhal, Purnendu
    US 2019 / 0161412 A1
  • Patent